Homepage of the Garloffs
This page is the main page of the Garloffs.

Here, you will find links to the pages of the members ...

Links to other people named Garloff
(For entries please drop an e-mail to
Prof. Jürgen Garloff (Konstanz, DE)
Reinhard Garloff (Darmstadt, DE)
-- Web page
David Garloff (Des Moines, Iowa)
Malte Garloff (KuddelMuddel, Music Pub in Eckernförde, DE)
Andreas Garloff (?, DE)

Some interesting Links

(2005-12-05) The link to the guest book had to be removed, because
according to LG Hamburg
(Hamburg court), there is a liability for someone hosting contents, even
if these are unknown to him. With that ruling, web forums can not be operated
in Germany any more without the financial risk to receive cease and desist letters
with associated cost from lawyers that have specialized on that subject and made
a business model out of it.
This is a risk we're not able to bear.

(w) by webmaster@garloff.de,